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Command-line tool to make booklets from PDFs.

RNC, 18 Nov 2017.


Take a PDF created with pdfnup or similar, with A4 sheets and two pages per sheet, like this:

PDF page 1      +-----+-----+
                |     |     |
                |  1  |  2  |
                |     |     |

PDF page 2      +-----+-----+
                |     |     |
                |  3  |  4  |
                |     |     |

PDF page 3      +-----+-----+
                |     |     |
                |  5  |  6  |
                |     |     |

and create a similar PDF but like this:

PDF page 1      +-----+-----+
                |     |     |
                |  6  |  1  |
                |     |     |

PDF page 2      +-----+-----+
                |     |     |
                |  1  |  2  |
                |     |     |

PDF page 3      +-----+-----+
                |     |     |
                |  1  |  2  |
                |     |     |

so it can be printed double-sided and folded into an A5 booklet.


  • page = one side of a piece of paper BUT HERE, IN A BOOK CONTEXT, half that, i.e. what ends up as a book “page”

  • pair = two pages, making up one side of a sheet/leaf

  • sheet = one piece of paper (= leaf) (= 4 pages, here)


It’s our job here to make pairs from pages, and to create a PDF where each PDF page is a pair.

It’s the printer’s job to make sheets from pages. When printing in duplex, you will need to use SHORT-EDGE BINDING (if you use long-edge binding, the reverse sides will be inverted).


We can, of course, support LONG-EDGE binding as well; that just requires an extra step of rotating all the even-numbered pages from the preceding step. Supported, as below. str, output_filename: str, latex_paper_size: str = 'a4paper') str[source]

Takes a PDF (e.g. A4) and makes a 2x1 booklet (e.g. 2xA5 per A4). The booklet can be folded like a book and the final pages will be in order. Returns the output filename. int) int[source]

How many sheets does this number of pages need, on the basis of 2 pages per sheet? int) int[source]

Converts #sheets to #pages, but rounding up to a multiple of 4. str, output_filename: str, slice_horiz: int, slice_vert: int, overwrite: bool = False, longedge: bool = False, latex_paper_size: str = 'a4paper') bool[source]

Runs a chain of tasks to convert a PDF to a useful booklet PDF. str) int[source]

How many pages are in a PDF? NoReturn[source]

Command-line processor. See --help for details. str, paper: str = 'A4') None[source]

NOT USED. Makes a blank single-page PDF, using ImageMagick’s convert. int, one_based: bool = True) List[int][source]

Generates the final page sequence from the starting number of sheets. str, explanation: str = '') None[source]

Ensures that the external tool is available. Asserts upon failure. str, output_filename: str) str[source]

Rotates even-numbered pages 180 degrees. Returns the output filename. List[str], get_output: bool = False, encoding: str = 'utf-8') Tuple[str, str][source]

Run an external command +/- return the results. Returns a (stdout, stderr) tuple (both are blank strings if the output wasn’t wanted). str, output_filename: str, slice_horiz: int, slice_vert: int) str[source]

Slice each page of the original, to convert to “one real page per PDF page”. Return the output filename.