
Original code copyright (C) 2009-2022 Rudolf Cardinal (

This file is part of cardinal_pythonlib.

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Functions to help with large-scale dumping of data from SQLAlchemy systems.

class cardinal_pythonlib.sqlalchemy.dump.StringLiteral(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Teach sqlalchemy how to literalize various things. Used by make_literal_query_fn, below. See

This __init__() function exists purely because the docstring in the SQLAlchemy superclass (String) has “pycon+sql” as its source type, which Sphinx warns about.

literal_processor(dialect: DefaultDialect) Callable[[Any], str][source]

Returns a function to translate any value to a string.

cardinal_pythonlib.sqlalchemy.dump.bulk_insert_extras(dialect_name: str, fileobj: TextIO, start: bool) None[source]

Writes bulk INSERT preamble (start=True) or end (start=False) to our text file.

For MySQL, this temporarily switches off autocommit behaviour and index/FK checks, for speed, then re-enables them at the end and commits.

  • dialect_name – SQLAlchemy dialect name (see SqlaDialectName)

  • fileobj – file-like object to write to

  • start – if True, write preamble; if False, write end

cardinal_pythonlib.sqlalchemy.dump.dump_connection_info(engine: ~sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine, fileobj: ~typing.TextIO = <_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='utf-8'>) None[source]

Dumps the engine’s connection info, as an SQL comment. Obscures passwords.

  • engine – the SQLAlchemy Engine to dump metadata information from

  • fileobj – the file-like object (default sys.stdout) to write information to

cardinal_pythonlib.sqlalchemy.dump.dump_database_as_insert_sql(engine: ~sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine, fileobj: ~typing.TextIO = <_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='utf-8'>, include_ddl: bool = False, multirow: bool = False) None[source]

Reads an entire database and writes SQL to replicate it to the output file-like object.

  • engine – SQLAlchemy Engine

  • fileobj – file-like object to write to

  • include_ddl – if True, include the DDL to create the table as well

  • multirow – write multi-row INSERT statements

cardinal_pythonlib.sqlalchemy.dump.dump_ddl(metadata: ~sqlalchemy.sql.schema.MetaData, dialect_name: str, fileobj: ~typing.TextIO = <_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='utf-8'>, checkfirst: bool = True) None[source]

Sends schema-creating DDL from the metadata to the dump engine. This makes CREATE TABLE statements.

  • metadata – SQLAlchemy MetaData

  • dialect_name – string name of SQL dialect to generate DDL in

  • fileobj – file-like object to send DDL to

  • checkfirst – if True, use CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS or equivalent.

cardinal_pythonlib.sqlalchemy.dump.dump_orm_object_as_insert_sql(engine: Engine, obj: object, fileobj: TextIO) None[source]

Takes a SQLAlchemy ORM object, and writes INSERT SQL to replicate it to the output file-like object.

  • engine – SQLAlchemy Engine

  • obj – SQLAlchemy ORM object to write

  • fileobj – file-like object to write to

cardinal_pythonlib.sqlalchemy.dump.dump_orm_tree_as_insert_sql(engine: Engine, baseobj: object, fileobj: TextIO) None[source]

Sends an object, and all its relations (discovered via “relationship” links) as INSERT commands in SQL, to fileobj.

  • engine – SQLAlchemy Engine

  • baseobj – starting SQLAlchemy ORM object

  • fileobj – file-like object to write to

Problem: foreign key constraints.

cardinal_pythonlib.sqlalchemy.dump.dump_table_as_insert_sql(engine: Engine, table_name: str, fileobj: TextIO, wheredict: Dict[str, Any] | None = None, include_ddl: bool = False, multirow: bool = False) None[source]

Reads a table from the database, and writes SQL to replicate the table’s data to the output fileobj.

  • engine – SQLAlchemy Engine

  • table_name – name of the table

  • fileobj – file-like object to write to

  • wheredict – optional dictionary of {column_name: value} to use as WHERE filters

  • include_ddl – if True, include the DDL to create the table as well

  • multirow – write multi-row INSERT statements

cardinal_pythonlib.sqlalchemy.dump.get_literal_query(statement: Query | Executable, bind: ConnectionEventsTarget | None = None) str[source]

Takes an SQLAlchemy statement and produces a literal SQL version, with values filled in.

As per

Notes: - for debugging purposes only - insecure; you should always separate queries from their values - please also note that this function is quite slow

  • statement – the SQL statement (a SQLAlchemy object) to use

  • bind – if the statement is unbound, you will need to specify an object here that supports SQL execution


a string literal version of the query.

cardinal_pythonlib.sqlalchemy.dump.make_literal_query_fn(dialect: Dialect | DefaultDialect) Callable[[ClauseElement | Query], str][source]

Returns a function that converts SQLAlchemy statements to literal representations.

cardinal_pythonlib.sqlalchemy.dump.quick_mapper(table: Table) Type[DeclarativeMeta][source]

Makes a new SQLAlchemy mapper for an existing table. See


table – SQLAlchemy Table object


a DeclarativeMeta class