Source code for cardinal_pythonlib.sqlalchemy.insert_on_duplicate

#!/usr/bin/env python
# cardinal_pythonlib/sqlalchemy/


    Original code copyright (C) 2009-2022 Rudolf Cardinal (

    This file is part of cardinal_pythonlib.

    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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    You may obtain a copy of the License at

    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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**Add "INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE" functionality to SQLAlchemy for MySQL.**

  ... modified

Once implemented, you can do

.. code-block:: python

    q = sqla_table.insert_on_duplicate().values(destvalues)

**Note: superseded by SQLAlchemy v1.2:**


"""  # noqa

import re
from typing import Any

from sqlalchemy.ext.compiler import compiles
from sqlalchemy.sql.compiler import SQLCompiler
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import Insert, TableClause

from cardinal_pythonlib.logs import get_brace_style_log_with_null_handler
from cardinal_pythonlib.sqlalchemy.dialect import SqlaDialectName

log = get_brace_style_log_with_null_handler(__name__)

# noinspection PyAbstractClass
[docs]class InsertOnDuplicate(Insert): """ Class that derives from :class:`Insert`, so we can hook in to operations involving it. """ pass
[docs]def insert_on_duplicate( tablename: str, values: Any = None, inline: bool = False, **kwargs ): """ Command to produce an :class:`InsertOnDuplicate` object. Args: tablename: name of the table values: values to ``INSERT`` inline: as per kwargs: additional parameters Returns: an :class:`InsertOnDuplicate` object """ # noqa return InsertOnDuplicate(tablename, values, inline=inline, **kwargs)
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
[docs]def monkeypatch_TableClause() -> None: """ Modifies :class:`sqlalchemy.sql.expression.TableClause` to insert a ``insert_on_duplicate`` member that is our :func:`insert_on_duplicate` function as above. """ log.debug( "Adding 'INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE' support for MySQL " "to SQLAlchemy" ) TableClause.insert_on_duplicate = insert_on_duplicate
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
[docs]def unmonkeypatch_TableClause() -> None: """ Reverses the action of :func:`monkeypatch_TableClause`. """ del TableClause.insert_on_duplicate
STARTSEPS = "`" ENDSEPS = "`" INSERT_FIELDNAMES_REGEX = ( r"^INSERT\sINTO\s[{startseps}]?(?P<table>\w+)[{endseps}]?\s+" r"\((?P<columns>[, {startseps}{endseps}\w]+)\)\s+VALUES".format( startseps=STARTSEPS, endseps=ENDSEPS ) ) # ! RE_INSERT_FIELDNAMES = re.compile(INSERT_FIELDNAMES_REGEX)
[docs]@compiles(InsertOnDuplicate, SqlaDialectName.MYSQL) def compile_insert_on_duplicate_key_update( insert: Insert, compiler: SQLCompiler, **kw ) -> str: """ Hooks into the use of the :class:`InsertOnDuplicate` class for the MySQL dialect. Compiles the relevant SQL for an ``INSERT... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE`` statement. Notes: - We can't get the fieldnames directly from ``insert`` or ``compiler``. - We could rewrite the innards of the visit_insert statement ( but, like that, it will get outdated. - We could use a hack-in-by-hand method ( ... but a little automation would be nice. - So, regex to the rescue. - NOTE THAT COLUMNS ARE ALREADY QUOTED by this stage; no need to repeat. """ # noqa # log.critical(compiler.__dict__) # log.critical(compiler.dialect.__dict__) # log.critical(insert.__dict__) s = compiler.visit_insert(insert, **kw) # log.critical(s) m = RE_INSERT_FIELDNAMES.match(s) if m is None: raise ValueError("compile_insert_on_duplicate_key_update: no match") columns = [c.strip() for c in"columns").split(",")] # log.critical(columns) updates = ", ".join([f"{c} = VALUES({c})" for c in columns]) s += f" ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE {updates}" # log.critical(s) return s
_TEST_CODE = """ from sqlalchemy import Column, String, Integer, create_engine from sqlalchemy.orm import Session from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base Base = declarative_base() class OrmObject(Base): __tablename__ = "sometable" id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) name = Column(String) engine = create_engine("sqlite://", echo=True) Base.metadata.create_all(engine) session = Session(engine) d1 = dict(id=1, name="One") d2 = dict(id=2, name="Two") insert_1 = OrmObject.__table__.insert(values=d1) insert_2 = OrmObject.__table__.insert(values=d2) session.execute(insert_1) session.execute(insert_2) session.execute(insert_1) # raises sqlalchemy.exc.IntegrityError # ... recommended cross-platform way is SELECT then INSERT or UPDATE # accordingly; see #!topic/sqlalchemy/aQLqeHmLPQY """