Source code for cardinal_pythonlib.probability

#!/usr/bin/env python
# cardinal_pythonlib/


    Original code copyright (C) 2009-2022 Rudolf Cardinal (

    This file is part of cardinal_pythonlib.

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**Miscellaneous probability functions.**


import math
from math import exp as math_exp, log as math_ln, log10 as math_log10

# For speed:
INFINITY = math.inf
MINUS_INFINITY = -math.inf

# =============================================================================
# Basic maths
# =============================================================================

[docs]def ln(x: float) -> float: """ Version of :func:`math.log` that treats log(0) as ``-inf``, rather than crashing with ``ValueError: math domain error``. Args: x: parameter Returns: float: ln(x), the natural logarithm of x See For speed, use ``from math import log as math_log``, etc.: .. code-block: python import math from math import log as math_log import timeit INFINITY = math.inf MINUS_INFINITY = -math.inf timeit.timeit('(math.log(x) for x in range(1, 100))', number=10000) # 0.00756470113992691 timeit.timeit('(math_log(x) for x in range(1, 100))', number=10000) # 0.004151405766606331 timeit.timeit('(-math.inf for _ in range(1, 100))', number=10000) # 0.009433002211153507 timeit.timeit('(MINUS_INFINITY for _ in range(1, 100))', number=10000) # 0.004293474368751049 Note also that although floats can't be "too close to zero" to cause an error, other things (like Decimal objects) can. See Exception catching is likely faster: .. code-block: python from cardinal_pythonlib.probability import ln import timeit # return math_ln(x) if x != 0 else MINUS_INFINITY timeit.timeit('(ln(x) for x in range(1, 100))', number=10000) # 0.012411762960255146 # try... except ValueError... timeit.timeit('(ln(x) for x in range(1, 100))', number=10000) # 0.007783170789480209 """ # return math_ln(x) if x != 0 else MINUS_INFINITY # slower, less helpful try: return math_ln(x) except ValueError: if x < 0: raise ValueError(f"Can't take log of a negative number: {x}") # Either x > 0 but causing problems anyway, or x == 0. return MINUS_INFINITY
[docs]def log10(x: float) -> float: """ Version of :func:`math.log10` that treats log(0) as ``-inf``, rather than crashing with ``ValueError: math domain error``. Args: x: parameter Returns: float: log10(x), the logarithm to base 10 of x See """ # return math_log10(x) if x != 0 else MINUS_INFINITY try: return math_log10(x) except ValueError: if x < 0: raise ValueError(f"Can't take log of a negative number: {x}") # Either x > 0 but causing problems anyway, or x == 0. return MINUS_INFINITY
# ============================================================================= # Basic probability # =============================================================================
[docs]def odds_from_probability(p: float) -> float: r""" Returns odds, given a probability. .. math:: o = \frac{p}{1 - p} Args: p: probability Returns: float: odds """ return p / (1 - p)
[docs]def probability_from_odds(odds: float) -> float: r""" Returns a probability, given odds. .. math:: o &= \frac{p}{1 - p} \\ o (1 - p) &= p \\ o - op &= p \\ o &= p + op \\ o &= p(1 + o) \\ p &= \frac{o}{1 + o} Args: odds: odds Returns: float: probability """ return odds / (1 + odds)
[docs]def probability_from_log_prob(log_p: float) -> float: """ Returns a probability from a log probability. Args: log_p: ln(p); natural log of p Returns: float: p """ return math_exp(log_p)
[docs]def probability_from_log_odds(log_odds: float) -> float: """ Returns a probability from a log odds. Args: log_odds: ln(o); natural log of o Returns: float: p """ return probability_from_odds(math_exp(log_odds))
[docs]def log_probability_from_log_odds(log_odds: float) -> float: r""" No obvious quick form for this: .. math:: o &= \frac{p}{1 - p} \\ \log o &= \log p - \log (1 - p) \\ Args: log_odds: ln(o); natural log of o Returns: float: ln(p) """ return ln(probability_from_log_odds(log_odds))
[docs]def log_odds_from_probability(p: float) -> float: """ Returns log odds from a probability. Args: p: probability Returns: float: ln(odds) See - - """ return ln(odds_from_probability(p))
[docs]def log_odds_from_1_in_n(n: float) -> float: r""" If the chance of something occurring are 1 in n, then its probability is :math:`1/n`, and its odds are :math:`\frac{1}{n - 1}`. This function returns the log of those odds. Args: n: ``n``, as above Returns: float: :math:`\ln \frac{1}{n - 1} = \ln 1 - \ln (n - 1) = -\ln(n - 1)` """ return -ln(n - 1)
# ============================================================================= # Bayesian update rules # =============================================================================
[docs]def bayes_posterior( prior: float, likelihood: float, marginal_likelihood: float ) -> float: r""" Returns P(H | D), the posterior probability of hypothesis H, given data D. Args: prior: P(H), the prior belief in H likelihood: P(D | H), the probability of observing D given H marginal_likelihood: P(D), the probability of observing D; also called evidence or model evidence. Returns: float: P(H | D), the probability of H given D. Bayes' rule: .. math:: P(A | B) P(B) = P(B | A) P(A) = P(A \land B) P(H | D) = \frac{ P(D | H) \cdot P(H) }{ P(D) } \text{posterior} = \frac { \text{likelihood} \cdot \text{prior} } { \text{marginal likelihood} } """ return likelihood * prior / marginal_likelihood
[docs]def log_bayes_posterior( log_prior: float, log_likelihood: float, log_marginal_likelihood: float ) -> float: r""" Exactly equivalent to :func:`bayes_posterior`, but using log probability. Args: log_prior: :math:`\log P(H)` log_likelihood: :math:`\log P(D | H)` log_marginal_likelihood: :math:`\log P(D)` Returns: float: :math:`\log P(H | D)` """ return log_likelihood + log_prior - log_marginal_likelihood
[docs]def posterior_odds(prior_odds: float, likelihood_ratio: float) -> float: r""" Returns the posterior odds for a hypothesis, given the prior odds and the likelihood ratio. .. math:: P(A | B) &= P(B | A) \frac{ P(A) }{ P(B) } \\ P(\neg A | B) &= P(B | \neg A) \frac{ P(\neg A) }{ P(B) } \\ \frac{ P(A | B) }{ P(\neg A | B) } &= \frac{ P(B | A) }{ P(B | \neg A) } \frac{ P(A) }{ P(\neg A) } \\ \text{posterior odds} &= \text{likelihood ratio} \cdot \text{prior odds} Args: prior_odds: prior odds, :math:`\frac{ P(A) }{ P(\neg A) }` likelihood_ratio: likelihood ratio, :math:`\frac{ P(B | A) }{ P(B | \neg A) }` Returns: float: posterior odds, :math:`\frac{ P(A | B) }{ P(\neg A | B) }` e.g. """ return likelihood_ratio * prior_odds
[docs]def log_posterior_odds( log_prior_odds: float, log_likelihood_ratio: float ) -> float: r""" Exactly as for :func:`posterior_odds`, but with log odds. """ return log_likelihood_ratio + log_prior_odds
[docs]def log_likelihood_ratio_from_p( p_d_given_h: float, p_d_given_not_h: float ) -> float: r""" Returns .. math:: \ln \frac{ P(D | H) }{ P(D | \neg H) } = \ln P(D | H) - \ln P(D | \neg H) Args: p_d_given_h: :math:`P(D | H)` p_d_given_not_h: :math:`P(D | \neg H)` Returns: float: log likelihood ratio, as above """ return ln(p_d_given_h) - ln(p_d_given_not_h)
[docs]def log_posterior_odds_from_pdh_pdnh( log_prior_odds: float, p_d_given_h: float, p_d_given_not_h: float ) -> float: r""" Calculates posterior odds. Args: log_prior_odds: log prior odds of H, :math:`ln(\frac{ P(H) }{ P(\neg H) })` p_d_given_h: :math:`P(D | H)` p_d_given_not_h: :math:`P(D | \neg H)` Returns: float: log posterior odds of H, :math:`ln(\frac{ P(H | D) }{ P(\neg H | D) })` """ return log_posterior_odds( log_prior_odds=log_prior_odds, log_likelihood_ratio=log_likelihood_ratio_from_p( p_d_given_h=p_d_given_h, p_d_given_not_h=p_d_given_not_h ), )
[docs]def log_posterior_odds_from_bool_d_pdh_pdnh( log_prior_odds: float, d: bool, p_d_given_h: float, p_d_given_not_h: float ) -> float: r""" Calculates posterior odds. Args: log_prior_odds: log prior odds of H, :math:`ln(\frac{ P(H) }{ P(\neg H) })` d: whether D is true or not p_d_given_h: :math:`P(D | H)` p_d_given_not_h: :math:`P(D | \neg H)` Returns: float: log posterior odds of H, :math:`ln(\frac{ P(H | D) }{ P(\neg H | D) })` """ if d: # D is true log_lr = log_likelihood_ratio_from_p( p_d_given_h=p_d_given_h, p_d_given_not_h=p_d_given_not_h ) else: # not-D is true p_not_d_given_h = 1 - p_d_given_h p_not_d_given_not_h = 1 - p_d_given_not_h log_lr = log_likelihood_ratio_from_p( p_d_given_h=p_not_d_given_h, p_d_given_not_h=p_not_d_given_not_h ) return log_posterior_odds( log_prior_odds=log_prior_odds, log_likelihood_ratio=log_lr )