Source code for cardinal_pythonlib.subproc

#!/usr/bin/env python
# cardinal_pythonlib/sqlalchemy/


    Original code copyright (C) 2009-2022 Rudolf Cardinal (

    This file is part of cardinal_pythonlib.

    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    You may obtain a copy of the License at

    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    limitations under the License.


import atexit

# from concurrent.futures import as_completed, Future, ThreadPoolExecutor
import logging
from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool  # thread pool
import os
from queue import Queue
from subprocess import check_call, PIPE, Popen, TimeoutExpired
import sys
from threading import Thread
from time import sleep
from typing import Any, BinaryIO, List, NoReturn, Optional, Tuple, Union

from cardinal_pythonlib.cmdline import cmdline_quote

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# =============================================================================
# Subprocess handling: single child process
# =============================================================================

[docs]def check_call_process(args: List[str]) -> None: """ Logs the command arguments, then executes the command via :func:`subprocess.check_call`. """ log.debug(f"{args!r}") check_call(args)
[docs]def check_call_verbose( args: List[str], log_level: Optional[int] = logging.INFO, **kwargs ) -> None: """ Prints a copy/paste-compatible version of a command, then runs it. Args: args: command arguments log_level: log level Raises: :exc:`CalledProcessError` on external command failure """ if log_level is not None: cmd_as_text = cmdline_quote(args) msg = f"[From directory {os.getcwd()}]: {cmd_as_text}" log.log(level=log_level, msg=msg) check_call(args, **kwargs)
# ============================================================================= # Subprocess handling: multiple child processes # ============================================================================= # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Method 1: Processes that we're running # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _g_processes = [] # type: List[Popen] _g_proc_args_list = [] # type: List[List[str]] # ... to report back which process failed, if any did # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Method 1: Exiting # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]@atexit.register def kill_child_processes() -> None: """ Kills children of this process that were registered in the :data:`processes` variable. Use with ``@atexit.register``. """ timeout_sec = 5 for p in _g_processes: try: p.wait(timeout_sec) except TimeoutExpired: # failed to close p.kill() # you're dead
[docs]def fail() -> NoReturn: """ Call when a child process has failed, and this will print an error message to ``stdout`` and execute ``sys.exit(1)`` (which will, in turn, call any ``atexit`` handler to kill children of this process). """ print("\nPROCESS FAILED; EXITING ALL\n") sys.exit(1) # will call the atexit handler and kill everything else
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Method 1: Helper functions # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _start_process( args: List[str], stdin: Any = None, stdout: Any = None, stderr: Any = None ) -> Popen: """ Launch a child process and record it in our :data:`processes` variable. Args: args: program and its arguments, as a list stdin: typically None stdout: use None to perform no routing, which preserves console colour! Otherwise, specify somewhere to route stdout. See subprocess documentation. If either is PIPE, you'll need to deal with the output. stderr: As above. You can use stderr=STDOUT to route stderr to the same place as stdout. Returns: The process object (which is also stored in :data:`processes`). """ log.debug(f"{args!r}") global _g_processes global _g_proc_args_list proc = Popen(args, stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr) # proc = Popen(args, stdin=None, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT) # proc = Popen(args, stdin=None, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) # Can't preserve colour: # # noqa: E501 _g_processes.append(proc) _g_proc_args_list.append(args) return proc def _wait_for_processes( die_on_failure: bool = True, timeout_sec: float = 1 ) -> None: """ Wait for child processes (catalogued in :data:`processes`) to finish. If ``die_on_failure`` is ``True``, then whenever a subprocess returns failure, all are killed. If ``timeout_sec`` is None, the function waits for its first process to complete, then waits for the second, etc. So a subprocess dying does not trigger a full quit instantly (or potentially for ages). If ``timeout_sec`` is something else, each process is tried for that time; if it quits within that time, well and good (successful quit -> continue waiting for the others; failure -> kill everything, if ``die_on_failure``); if it doesn't, we try the next. That is much more responsive. """ global _g_processes global _g_proc_args_list n = len(_g_processes) Pool(n).map(_print_lines, _g_processes) # in case of PIPE something_running = True while something_running: something_running = False for i, p in enumerate(_g_processes): try: retcode = p.wait(timeout=timeout_sec) if retcode == 0:"Process #{i} (of {n}) exited cleanly") if retcode != 0: log.critical( f"Process #{i} (of {n}) exited with return code " f"{retcode} (indicating failure); its args were: " f"{_g_proc_args_list[i]!r}" ) if die_on_failure: log.critical( "Exiting top-level process (will kill " "all other children)" ) fail() # ... exit this process, therefore kill its children except TimeoutExpired: something_running = True _g_processes.clear() _g_proc_args_list.clear() def _print_lines(process: Popen) -> None: """ Let a subprocess :func:`communicate`, then write both its ``stdout`` and its ``stderr`` to our ``stdout``. """ out, err = process.communicate() if out: for line in out.decode("utf-8").splitlines(): print(line) if err: for line in err.decode("utf-8").splitlines(): print(line) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Method 1: Helper functions # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _process_worker( args: List[str], stdin: Any = None, stdout: Any = None, stderr: Any = None ) -> int: p = Popen(args, stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr) # At this point, the subprocess has started. # We can check it with poll(), wait(), communicate(), etc. out, err = p.communicate() # waits for it to terminate # Now it's finished, and has provided its return code. if out: for line in out.decode("utf-8").splitlines(): print(line) if err: for line in err.decode("utf-8").splitlines(): print(line) return p.returncode # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Main user function # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def run_multiple_processes( args_list: List[List[str]], die_on_failure: bool = True, max_workers: int = None, ) -> None: """ Fire up multiple processes, and wait for them to finish. Args: args_list: command arguments for each process die_on_failure: see :func:`wait_for_processes` max_workers: Maximum simultaneous number of worker processes. Defaults to the total number of processes requested. """ if not args_list: # Nothing to do. return # METHOD 1: for procargs in args_list: _start_process(procargs) # Wait for them all to finish _wait_for_processes(die_on_failure=die_on_failure)
# METHOD 2: # # n_total = len(args_list) # max_workers = max_workers or n_total # with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=max_workers) as executor: # future_to_procidx = { # executor.submit( # _process_worker, # procargs # ): procidx # for procidx, procargs in enumerate(args_list) # } # type: Dict[Future, int] # for future in as_completed(future_to_procidx): # procidx = future_to_procidx[future] # zero-based # procnum = procidx + 1 # one-based # retcode = future.result() # if retcode == 0: #"Process #{procnum} (of {n_total}) exited cleanly") # else: # procidx = procnum - 1 # zero-based # log.critical( # f"Process #{procnum} (of {n_total}) " # f"exited with return code {retcode} " # f"(indicating failure); its args were: " # f"{args_list[procidx]!r}") # if die_on_failure: # # # noqa: E501 # for f2 in future_to_procidx.keys(): # f2.cancel() # # ... prevents more jobs being scheduled, except the # # one that likely got launched immediately as the # # failing one exited. # log.critical("SHUTDOWN ATTEMPTED") # # todo: I've not yet succeeded in killing the children. # # Exiting here with sys.exit(1) doesn't work immediately. # raise RuntimeError( # "Exiting top-level process " # "(will kill all other children)" # ) # ============================================================================= # Subprocess handling: mimicking user input # ============================================================================= # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Constants and constant-like singletons # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class SubprocSource(object): pass SOURCE_STDOUT = SubprocSource() SOURCE_STDERR = SubprocSource() class SubprocCommand(object): pass TERMINATE_SUBPROCESS = SubprocCommand() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Helper class # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class AsynchronousFileReader(Thread): """ Helper class to implement asynchronous reading of a file in a separate thread. Pushes read lines on a queue to be consumed in another thread. Modified from """ def __init__( self, fd: BinaryIO, queue: Queue, encoding: str, line_terminators: List[str] = None, cmdargs: List[str] = None, suppress_decoding_errors: bool = True, ) -> None: """ Args: fd: file-like object to read from queue: queue to write to encoding: encoding to use when reading from the file line_terminators: valid line terminators cmdargs: for display purposes only: command that produced/is producing the file-like object suppress_decoding_errors: trap any ``UnicodeDecodeError``? """ assert isinstance(queue, Queue) assert callable(fd.readline) super().__init__() self._fd = fd self._queue = queue self._encoding = encoding self._line_terminators = line_terminators or ["\n"] # type: List[str] self._cmdargs = cmdargs or [] # type: List[str] self._suppress_decoding_errors = suppress_decoding_errors
[docs] def run(self) -> None: """ Read lines and put them on the queue. """ fd = self._fd encoding = self._encoding line_terminators = self._line_terminators queue = self._queue buf = "" while True: try: c = except UnicodeDecodeError as e: log.warning("Decoding error from {!r}: {!r}", self._cmdargs, e) if self._suppress_decoding_errors: continue else: raise # log.critical("c={!r}, returncode={!r}", c, p.returncode) if not c: # Subprocess has finished return buf += c # log.critical("buf={!r}", buf) # noinspection PyTypeChecker for t in line_terminators: try: t_idx = buf.index(t) + len(t) # include terminator fragment = buf[:t_idx] buf = buf[t_idx:] queue.put(fragment) except ValueError: pass
[docs] def eof(self) -> bool: """ Check whether there is no more content to expect. """ return not self.is_alive() and self._queue.empty()
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Command to mimic user input to a subprocess, reacting to its output. # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def mimic_user_input( args: List[str], source_challenge_response: List[ Tuple[SubprocSource, str, Union[str, SubprocCommand]] ], line_terminators: List[str] = None, print_stdout: bool = False, print_stderr: bool = False, print_stdin: bool = False, stdin_encoding: str = None, stdout_encoding: str = None, suppress_decoding_errors: bool = True, sleep_time_s: float = 0.1, ) -> None: r""" Run an external command. Pretend to be a human by sending text to the subcommand (responses) when the external command sends us triggers (challenges). This is a bit nasty. Args: args: command-line arguments source_challenge_response: list of tuples of the format ``(challsrc, challenge, response)``; see below line_terminators: valid line terminators print_stdout: print_stderr: print_stdin: stdin_encoding: stdout_encoding: suppress_decoding_errors: trap any ``UnicodeDecodeError``? sleep_time_s: The ``(challsrc, challenge, response)`` tuples have this meaning: - ``challsrc``: where is the challenge coming from? Must be one of the objects :data:`SOURCE_STDOUT` or :data:`SOURCE_STDERR`; - ``challenge``: text of challenge - ``response``: text of response (send to the subcommand's ``stdin``). Example (modified from :class:`CorruptedZipReader`): .. code-block:: python from cardinal_pythonlib.subproc import * SOURCE_FILENAME = "" TMP_DIR = "/tmp" OUTPUT_FILENAME = "" cmdargs = [ "zip", # Linux zip tool "-FF", # or "--fixfix": "fix very broken things" SOURCE_FILENAME, # input file "--temp-path", TMP_DIR, # temporary storage path "--out", OUTPUT_FILENAME # output file ] # We would like to be able to say "y" automatically to # "Is this a single-disk archive? (y/n):" # The source code (api.c, zip.c, zipfile.c), from # , suggests that "-q" # should do this (internally "-q" sets "noisy = 0") - but in # practice it doesn't work. This is a critical switch. # Therefore we will do something very ugly, and send raw text via # stdin. ZIP_PROMPTS_RESPONSES = [ (SOURCE_STDOUT, "Is this a single-disk archive? (y/n): ", "y\n"), (SOURCE_STDOUT, " or ENTER (try reading this split again): ", "q\n"), (SOURCE_STDERR, "zip: malloc.c:2394: sysmalloc: Assertion `(old_top == initial_top (av) " "&& old_size == 0) || ((unsigned long) (old_size) >= MINSIZE && " "prev_inuse (old_top) && ((unsigned long) old_end & (pagesize - 1)) " "== 0)' failed.", TERMINATE_SUBPROCESS), ] ZIP_STDOUT_TERMINATORS = ["\n", "): "] mimic_user_input(cmdargs, source_challenge_response=ZIP_PROMPTS_RESPONSES, line_terminators=ZIP_STDOUT_TERMINATORS, print_stdout=show_zip_output, print_stdin=show_zip_output) """ # noqa: E501 line_terminators = line_terminators or ["\n"] # type: List[str] stdin_encoding = stdin_encoding or sys.getdefaultencoding() stdout_encoding = stdout_encoding or sys.getdefaultencoding() # Launch the command p = Popen(args, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, bufsize=0) # Launch the asynchronous readers of stdout and stderr stdout_queue = Queue() # noinspection PyTypeChecker stdout_reader = AsynchronousFileReader( fd=p.stdout, queue=stdout_queue, encoding=stdout_encoding, line_terminators=line_terminators, cmdargs=args, suppress_decoding_errors=suppress_decoding_errors, ) stdout_reader.start() stderr_queue = Queue() # noinspection PyTypeChecker stderr_reader = AsynchronousFileReader( fd=p.stderr, queue=stderr_queue, encoding=stdout_encoding, # same as stdout line_terminators=line_terminators, cmdargs=args, suppress_decoding_errors=suppress_decoding_errors, ) stderr_reader.start() while not stdout_reader.eof() or not stderr_reader.eof(): lines_with_source = [] # type: List[Tuple[SubprocSource, str]] while not stdout_queue.empty(): lines_with_source.append((SOURCE_STDOUT, stdout_queue.get())) while not stderr_queue.empty(): lines_with_source.append((SOURCE_STDERR, stderr_queue.get())) for src, line in lines_with_source: if src is SOURCE_STDOUT and print_stdout: print(line, end="") # terminator already in line if src is SOURCE_STDERR and print_stderr: print(line, end="") # terminator already in line for challsrc, challenge, response in source_challenge_response: # log.critical("challsrc={!r}", challsrc) # log.critical("challenge={!r}", challenge) # log.critical("line={!r}", line) # log.critical("response={!r}", response) if challsrc != src: continue if challenge in line: if response is TERMINATE_SUBPROCESS: log.warning( "Terminating subprocess {!r} because input " "{!r} received", args, challenge, ) p.kill() return else: p.stdin.write(response.encode(stdin_encoding)) p.stdin.flush() if print_stdin: print(response, end="") # Sleep a bit before asking the readers again. sleep(sleep_time_s) stdout_reader.join() stderr_reader.join() p.stdout.close() p.stderr.close()