Source code for cardinal_pythonlib.sqlalchemy.core_query

#!/usr/bin/env python
# cardinal_pythonlib/sqlalchemy/


    Original code copyright (C) 2009-2022 Rudolf Cardinal (

    This file is part of cardinal_pythonlib.

    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    You may obtain a copy of the License at

    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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**Query helper functions using the SQLAlchemy Core.**


from typing import Any, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

from sqlalchemy.engine.base import Connection, Engine
from sqlalchemy.engine.row import Row
from sqlalchemy.exc import MultipleResultsFound
from sqlalchemy.orm.session import Session
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import (
from sqlalchemy.sql.schema import Table
from sqlalchemy.sql.selectable import Select, TableClause

from cardinal_pythonlib.logs import get_brace_style_log_with_null_handler

log = get_brace_style_log_with_null_handler(__name__)

# =============================================================================
# Get query result with fieldnames
# =============================================================================

[docs]def get_rows_fieldnames_from_raw_sql( session: Union[Session, Engine, Connection], sql: str ) -> Tuple[List[Row], List[str]]: """ Returns results and column names from a query. Args: session: SQLAlchemy :class:`Session`, :class:`Engine` (SQL Alchemy 1.4 only), or :class:`Connection` object sql: raw SQL to execure Returns: ``(rows, fieldnames)`` where ``rows`` is the usual set of results and ``fieldnames`` are the name of the result columns/fields. """ if not isinstance(sql, str): raise ValueError("sql argument must be a string") result = session.execute(text(sql)) fieldnames = result.keys() rows = result.fetchall() return rows, fieldnames
[docs]def get_rows_fieldnames_from_select( session: Union[Session, Engine, Connection], select_query: Select ) -> Tuple[List[Row], List[str]]: """ Returns results and column names from a query. Args: session: SQLAlchemy :class:`Session`, :class:`Engine` (SQL Alchemy 1.4 only), or :class:`Connection` object select_query: select() statement, i.e. instance of :class:`sqlalchemy.sql.selectable.Select` Returns: ``(rows, fieldnames)`` where ``rows`` is the usual set of results and ``fieldnames`` are the name of the result columns/fields. """ if not isinstance(select_query, Select): raise ValueError("select_query argument must be a select() statement") # Check that the user is not querying an ORM *class* rather than columns. # It doesn't make much sense to use this function in that case. # If Pet is an ORM class (see unit tests!), then: # # - select(Pet).column_descriptions: # # [{'name': 'Pet', 'type': <class 'orm_query_tests.Pet'>, 'aliased': # False, 'expr': <class 'orm_query_tests.Pet'>, 'entity': <class # 'orm_query_tests.Pet'>}] # # "entity" matches "type"; this is the one we want to disallow # # - select(, # # [{'name': 'id', 'type': Integer(), 'aliased': False, 'expr': # <sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.InstrumentedAttribute object at # 0x7bda9e1b7330>, 'entity': <class 'orm_query_tests.Pet'>}, {'name': # 'name', 'type': String(length=50), 'aliased': False, 'expr': # <sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.InstrumentedAttribute object at # 0x7bda9e1b7380>, 'entity': <class 'orm_query_tests.Pet'>}] # # ... "entity" differs from "type" # # - select(sometable.a, sometable.b).column_descriptions: # # [{'name': 'a', 'type': INTEGER(), 'expr': Column('a', INTEGER(), # table=<t>, primary_key=True)}, {'name': 'b', 'type': INTEGER(), 'expr': # Column('b', INTEGER(), table=<t>)}] # # ... no "entity" key. # # Therefore: for cd in select_query.column_descriptions: # # noqa: E501 # For if "entity" not in cd: continue if cd["type"] == cd["entity"]: raise ValueError( "It looks like your select() query is querying whole ORM " "object classes, not just columns or column-like " "expressions. Its column_descriptions are: " f"{select_query.column_descriptions}" ) result = session.execute(select_query) fieldnames_rmkview = result.keys() # ... of type RMKeyView, e.g. RMKeyView(['a', 'b']) fieldnames = [x for x in fieldnames_rmkview] rows = result.fetchall() # I don't know how to differentiate select(Pet), selecting an ORM class, # from select(, selecting a column. return rows, fieldnames
# ============================================================================= # SELECT COUNT(*) (SQLAlchemy Core) # ============================================================================= #
[docs]def count_star( session: Union[Session, Engine, Connection], tablename: str, *criteria: Any ) -> int: """ Returns the result of ``COUNT(*)`` from the specified table (with additional ``WHERE`` criteria if desired). Args: session: SQLAlchemy :class:`Session`, :class:`Engine` (SQL Alchemy 1.4 only), or :class:`Connection` object tablename: name of the table criteria: optional SQLAlchemy "where" criteria Returns: a scalar """ # works if you pass a connection or a session or an engine; all have # the execute() method query = select(func.count()).select_from(table(tablename)) for criterion in criteria: query = query.where(criterion) return session.execute(query).scalar()
# ============================================================================= # SELECT COUNT(*), MAX(field) (SQLAlchemy Core) # =============================================================================
[docs]def count_star_and_max( session: Union[Session, Engine, Connection], tablename: str, maxfield: str, *criteria: Any, ) -> Tuple[int, Optional[int]]: """ Args: session: SQLAlchemy :class:`Session`, :class:`Engine` (SQL Alchemy 1.4 only), or :class:`Connection` object tablename: name of the table maxfield: name of column (field) to take the ``MAX()`` of criteria: optional SQLAlchemy "where" criteria Returns: a tuple: ``(count, maximum)`` """ query = select(func.count(), func.max(column(maxfield))).select_from( table(tablename) ) for criterion in criteria: query = query.where(criterion) result = session.execute(query) count, maximum = result.fetchone() return count, maximum
# ============================================================================= # SELECT EXISTS (SQLAlchemy Core) # ============================================================================= # #
[docs]def exists_in_table( session: Session, table_: Union[Table, TableClause], *criteria: Any ) -> bool: """ Implements an efficient way of detecting if a record or records exist; should be faster than ``COUNT(*)`` in some circumstances. Args: session: SQLAlchemy :class:`Session`, :class:`Engine` (SQL Alchemy 1.4 only), or :class:`Connection` object table_: SQLAlchemy :class:`Table` object or table clause criteria: optional SQLAlchemy "where" criteria Returns: a boolean Prototypical use: .. code-block:: python return exists_in_table(session, table, column(fieldname1) == value2, column(fieldname2) == value2) """ exists_clause = exists().select_from(table_) # ... EXISTS (SELECT * FROM tablename) for criterion in criteria: exists_clause = exists_clause.where(criterion) # ... EXISTS (SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE ...) # Methods as follows. # SQL validation: # Standard syntax: # We can make it conditional on dialect via # session.get_bind() # but it would be better not to need to. # # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # SELECT 1 FROM mytable WHERE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE ...) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # - Produces multiple results (a 1 for each row). # # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # SELECT 1 WHERE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE ...) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # - Produces either 1 or NULL (no rows). # - Implementation: # # query = select(literal(True)).where(exists_clause) # result = session.execute(query).scalar() # return bool(result) # None/0 become False; 1 becomes True # # - However, may be non-standard: no FROM clause. # - Works on SQL Server (empirically). # # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # SELECT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE ...) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # - Produces 0 or 1. # - Implementation: # # query = select(exists_clause) # result = session.execute(query).scalar() # return bool(result) # # - But it may not be standard. # # - Supported by MySQL: # - # noqa: E501 # - and an empirical test # # Suported by SQLite: # - # - and an empirical test # # Possibly not SQL Server. # # Possibly not Databricks. # - # noqa: E501 # - # noqa: E501 # # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # SELECT CASE WHEN EXISTS(SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE...) THEN 0 ELSE 1 END # noqa: E501 # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # - ANSI standard. # - # noqa: E501 # - Returns 0 or 1. # - May be possible to use "SELECT 1 FROM tablename" also, but unclear # what's faster, and likely EXISTS() should optimise. # - Implementation as below. query = select(case((exists_clause, 1), else_=0)) result = session.execute(query).scalar() return bool(result) # None/0 become False; 1 becomes True
[docs]def exists_plain(session: Session, tablename: str, *criteria: Any) -> bool: """ Implements an efficient way of detecting if a record or records exist; should be faster than COUNT(*) in some circumstances. Args: session: SQLAlchemy :class:`Session`, :class:`Engine` (SQL Alchemy 1.4 only), or :class:`Connection` object tablename: name of the table criteria: optional SQLAlchemy "where" criteria Returns: a boolean Prototypical use: .. code-block:: python return exists_plain(config.destdb.session, dest_table_name, column(fieldname1) == value2, column(fieldname2) == value2) """ return exists_in_table(session, table(tablename), *criteria)
# ============================================================================= # Get all first values # =============================================================================
[docs]def fetch_all_first_values( session: Session, select_statement: Select ) -> List[Any]: # noinspection HttpUrlsUsage """ Returns a list of the first values in each row returned by a ``SELECT`` query. A Core version of this sort of thing: Args: session: SQLAlchemy :class:`Session` object select_statement: SQLAlchemy :class:`Select` object Returns: a list of the first value of each result row """ rows = session.execute(select_statement) try: return [row[0] for row in rows] except ValueError as e: raise MultipleResultsFound(str(e))