Source code for cardinal_pythonlib.source_reformatting

#!/usr/bin/env python



    Original code copyright (C) 2009-2022 Rudolf Cardinal (

    This file is part of cardinal_pythonlib.

    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    You may obtain a copy of the License at

    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    limitations under the License.


**Clean up source code.**


import logging
from os import walk
from os.path import join, splitext
from sys import stdout
from typing import List, TextIO

from cardinal_pythonlib.fileops import relative_filename_within_dir
from cardinal_pythonlib.logs import BraceStyleAdapter

log = BraceStyleAdapter(logging.getLogger(__name__))

TRANSITION = "==============================================================================="  # noqa: E501
CORRECT_SHEBANG = "#!/usr/bin/env python"
BLANK = ""
MISSING_RST_TITLE = "**Missing title.**"

CR = "\r"
LF = "\n"
SPACE = " "
TAB = "\t"
HASH = "#"

# =============================================================================
# PythonProcessor
# =============================================================================

[docs]class PythonProcessor(object): """ Class to read a Python source file and reformat its shebang/docstring etc. """ def __init__( self, full_path: str, top_dir: str, correct_copyright_lines: List[str] ) -> None: """ Args: full_path: full path to source file top_dir: directory from which we calculate a relative filename to be shown correct_copyright_lines: list of lines (without newlines) representing the copyright docstring block, including the transition lines of equals symbols """ self.full_path = full_path self.advertised_filename = relative_filename_within_dir( full_path, top_dir ) self.correct_copyright_lines = correct_copyright_lines self.needs_rewriting = False self.source_lines = [] # type: List[str] self.dest_lines = [] # type: List[str] self._read_source() self._create_dest() def _read_source(self) -> None: """ Reads the source file. """ with open(self.full_path, "rt") as f: for linenum, line_with_nl in enumerate(f.readlines(), start=1): line_without_newline = ( line_with_nl[:-1] if line_with_nl.endswith(NL) else line_with_nl ) if TAB in line_without_newline: self._warn(f"Tab character at line {linenum}") if CR in line_without_newline: self._warn( f"Carriage return character at line {linenum} " f"(Windows CR+LF endings?)" ) self.source_lines.append(line_without_newline) def _create_dest(self) -> None: """ Creates an internal representation of the destination file. This is where the thinking happens """ in_body = False in_docstring = False in_copyright = False copyright_done = False docstring_done = False swallow_blanks_and_filename_in_docstring = False for linenum, sl in enumerate(self.source_lines, start=1): dl = sl if dl.endswith(SPACE): self._debug(f"Line {linenum} ends in whitespace") dl = dl.rstrip() if not in_body: if linenum == 1: # Shebang if not dl.startswith(SHEBANG_START): self._warn( f"File does not start with shebang; " f"first line was {dl!r}" ) self._too_risky() return if dl != CORRECT_SHEBANG: self._debug(f"Rewriting shebang; was {dl!r}") dl = CORRECT_SHEBANG if ( linenum == 2 and dl.startswith(HASH_SPACE) and dl.endswith(PYTHON_EXTENSION) ): self._debug(f"Removing filename comment: {dl!r}") dl = None elif TRIPLE_DOUBLEQUOTE in dl: if not dl.startswith( TRIPLE_DOUBLEQUOTE ) and not dl.startswith(RAW_TRIPLE_DOUBLEQUOTE): self._warn( "Triple-quote not at start of line, as follows" ) self._debug_line(linenum, dl) self._too_risky() return if in_docstring: # docstring finishing in_docstring = False docstring_done = True in_body = True # ... and keep dl, so we write the end of the # docstring, potentially with e.g. a noqa on the end elif not docstring_done: # docstring starting in_docstring = True # self._critical("adding our new docstring") # Write our new docstring's start tdq = "" # stops linter moaning if dl.startswith(TRIPLE_DOUBLEQUOTE): tdq = TRIPLE_DOUBLEQUOTE elif dl.startswith(RAW_TRIPLE_DOUBLEQUOTE): tdq = RAW_TRIPLE_DOUBLEQUOTE else: assert "Bug!" self.dest_lines.append(tdq) self.dest_lines.append(self.advertised_filename) self.dest_lines.append(BLANK) self.dest_lines.extend(self.correct_copyright_lines) self.dest_lines.append(BLANK) swallow_blanks_and_filename_in_docstring = True if dl == tdq: dl = None # don't write another triple-quote line else: dl = dl[len(tdq) :] elif in_docstring: # Reading within the source docstring if dl == TRANSITION: if in_copyright: # copyright finishing in_copyright = False copyright_done = True dl = None # we've already replaced with our own elif not copyright_done: in_copyright = True dl = None # we've already replaced with our own elif in_copyright: dl = None # we've already replaced with our own elif dl == RST_COMMENT_LINE: dl = None # remove these elif swallow_blanks_and_filename_in_docstring: # self._debug_line(linenum, dl) if dl == BLANK or dl == self.advertised_filename: dl = None elif copyright_done: swallow_blanks_and_filename_in_docstring = False elif not dl.startswith(HASH) and not dl == BLANK: in_body = True if not docstring_done: # The source file didn't have a docstring! new_docstring_lines = ( [ BLANK, TRIPLE_DOUBLEQUOTE, self.advertised_filename, BLANK, ] + self.correct_copyright_lines + [ BLANK, MISSING_RST_TITLE, BLANK, TRIPLE_DOUBLEQUOTE, ] ) self._warn( f"File had no docstring; adding one. " f"Will need manual edit to add RST title. " f"Search for {MISSING_RST_TITLE!r}" ) self.dest_lines[1:1] = new_docstring_lines if dl is not None: # self._debug_line(linenum, dl, "adding ") self.dest_lines.append(dl) self.needs_rewriting = self.dest_lines != self.source_lines @staticmethod def _debug_line(linenum: int, line: str, extramsg: str = "") -> None: """ Writes a debugging report on a line. """ log.critical("{}Line {}: {!r}", extramsg, linenum, line) def _logmsg(self, msg: str) -> str: """ Formats a log message. """ return f"{self.advertised_filename}: {msg}" def _critical(self, msg: str) -> None: """ Shows a critical message. """ log.critical(self._logmsg(msg)) def _warn(self, msg: str) -> None: """ Shows a warning. """ log.warning(self._logmsg(msg)) def _info(self, msg: str) -> None: """ Shows an info message. """ def _debug(self, msg: str) -> None: """ Shows a debugging message. """ log.debug(self._logmsg(msg)) def _too_risky(self) -> None: """ Shows a warning and sets this file as not for processing """ self._warn("Don't know how to process file") self.needs_rewriting = False
[docs] def show(self) -> None: """ Writes the destination to stdout. """ self._write(stdout)
[docs] def rewrite_file(self) -> None: """ Rewrites the source file. """ if not self.needs_rewriting: return self._info("Rewriting file") with open(self.full_path, "w") as outfile: self._write(outfile)
def _write(self, destination: TextIO) -> None: """ Writes the converted output to a destination. """ for line in self.dest_lines: destination.write(line + NL)
# ============================================================================= # Top-level functions # =============================================================================
[docs]def reformat_python_docstrings( top_dirs: List[str], correct_copyright_lines: List[str], show_only: bool = True, rewrite: bool = False, process_only_filenum: int = None, ) -> None: """ Walk a directory, finding Python files and rewriting them. Args: top_dirs: list of directories to descend into correct_copyright_lines: list of lines (without newlines) representing the copyright docstring block, including the transition lines of equals symbols show_only: show results (to stdout) only; don't rewrite rewrite: write the changes process_only_filenum: only process this file number (1-based index); for debugging only """ filenum = 0 for top_dir in top_dirs: for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in walk(top_dir): for filename in filenames: fullname = join(dirpath, filename) extension = splitext(filename)[1] if extension != PYTHON_EXTENSION: # log.debug("Skipping non-Python file: {}", fullname) continue filenum += 1 if process_only_filenum and filenum != process_only_filenum: continue"Processing file {}: {}", filenum, fullname) proc = PythonProcessor( full_path=fullname, top_dir=top_dir, correct_copyright_lines=correct_copyright_lines, ) if show_only: elif rewrite: proc.rewrite_file()