Source code for cardinal_pythonlib.reprfunc

#!/usr/bin/env python
# cardinal_pythonlib/


    Original code copyright (C) 2009-2022 Rudolf Cardinal (

    This file is part of cardinal_pythonlib.

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    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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**Functions to assist making repr() methods for Python objects.**


import pprint
from typing import Any, Iterable, List, Tuple


# =============================================================================
# __repr__ aids
# =============================================================================
# The repr() function often attempts to return something suitable for eval();
# failing that, it usually shows an address.

[docs]def repr_result( obj: Any, elements: List[str], with_addr: bool = False, joiner: str = COMMA_SPACE, ) -> str: """ Internal function to make a :func:`repr`-style representation of an object. Args: obj: object to display elements: list of object ``attribute=value`` strings with_addr: include the memory address of ``obj`` joiner: string with which to join the elements Returns: string: :func:`repr`-style representation """ if with_addr: return "<{qualname}({elements}) at {addr}>".format( qualname=obj.__class__.__qualname__, elements=joiner.join(elements), addr=hex(id(obj)), ) else: return "{qualname}({elements})".format( qualname=obj.__class__.__qualname__, elements=joiner.join(elements) )
[docs]def auto_repr( obj: Any, with_addr: bool = False, sort_attrs: bool = True, joiner: str = COMMA_SPACE, ) -> str: """ Convenience function for :func:`__repr__`. Works its way through the object's ``__dict__`` and reports accordingly. Args: obj: object to display with_addr: include the memory address of ``obj`` sort_attrs: sort the attributes into alphabetical order? joiner: string with which to join the elements Returns: string: :func:`repr`-style representation """ if sort_attrs: keys = sorted(obj.__dict__.keys()) else: keys = obj.__dict__.keys() elements = [f"{k}={getattr(obj, k)!r}" for k in keys] return repr_result(obj, elements, with_addr=with_addr, joiner=joiner)
[docs]def simple_repr( obj: Any, attrnames: List[str], with_addr: bool = False, joiner: str = COMMA_SPACE, ) -> str: """ Convenience function for :func:`__repr__`. Works its way through a list of attribute names, and creates a ``repr()`` representation assuming that parameters to the constructor have the same names. Args: obj: object to display attrnames: names of attributes to include with_addr: include the memory address of ``obj`` joiner: string with which to join the elements Returns: string: :func:`repr`-style representation """ elements = [f"{name}={getattr(obj, name)!r}" for name in attrnames] return repr_result(obj, elements, with_addr=with_addr, joiner=joiner)
[docs]def mapped_repr( obj: Any, attributes: List[Tuple[str, str]], with_addr: bool = False, joiner: str = COMMA_SPACE, ) -> str: """ Convenience function for :func:`__repr__`. Takes attribute names and corresponding initialization parameter names (parameters to :func:`__init__`). Args: obj: object to display attributes: list of tuples, each ``(attr_name, init_param_name)``. with_addr: include the memory address of ``obj`` joiner: string with which to join the elements Returns: string: :func:`repr`-style representation """ elements = [ f"{init_param_name}={getattr(obj, attr_name)!r}" for attr_name, init_param_name in attributes ] return repr_result(obj, elements, with_addr=with_addr, joiner=joiner)
[docs]def mapped_repr_stripping_underscores( obj: Any, attrnames: List[str], with_addr: bool = False, joiner: str = COMMA_SPACE, ) -> str: """ Convenience function for :func:`__repr__`. Here, you pass a list of internal attributes, and it assumes that the :func:`__init__` parameter names have the leading underscore dropped. Args: obj: object to display attrnames: list of attribute names with_addr: include the memory address of ``obj`` joiner: string with which to join the elements Returns: string: :func:`repr`-style representation """ attributes = [] for attr_name in attrnames: if attr_name.startswith("_"): init_param_name = attr_name[1:] else: init_param_name = attr_name attributes.append((attr_name, init_param_name)) return mapped_repr(obj, attributes, with_addr=with_addr, joiner=joiner)
[docs]def ordered_repr( obj: object, attrlist: Iterable[str], joiner: str = COMMA_SPACE ) -> str: """ Shortcut to make :func:`repr` functions ordered. Define your :func:`__repr__` like this: .. code-block:: python def __repr__(self): return ordered_repr(self, ["field1", "field2", "field3"]) Args: obj: object to display attrlist: iterable of attribute names joiner: string with which to join the elements Returns: string: :func:`repr`-style representation """ return "<{classname}({kvp})>".format( classname=type(obj).__name__, kvp=joiner.join(f"{a}={getattr(obj, a)!r}" for a in attrlist), )
[docs]def auto_str( obj: Any, indent: int = 4, width: int = 80, depth: int = None, compact: bool = False, ) -> str: """ Make a pretty :func:`str()` representation using :func:`pprint.pformat` and the object's ``__dict__`` attribute. Args: obj: object to display indent: see width: as above depth: as above compact: as above Returns: string: :func:`str`-style representation """ return pprint.pformat( obj.__dict__, indent=indent, width=width, depth=depth, compact=compact )