Source code for cardinal_pythonlib.hash

#!/usr/bin/env python
# cardinal_pythonlib/


    Original code copyright (C) 2009-2022 Rudolf Cardinal (

    This file is part of cardinal_pythonlib.

    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    You may obtain a copy of the License at

    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    limitations under the License.


**Hash functions**

In general, consider these hash functions:

- :func:`hash64`, using MurmurHash3 to provide a 64-bit integer: for fast
- an ``Hmac*`` class for SECURE cryptographic hashes.

Regarding None/NULL values (in CRATE):

- For difference detection, it may be helpful to be able to compare a standard
  hash, in which case ``somehash(None) == somehash("None") ==

- It is vital not to hash NULL patient IDs, though: for example, two different
  patients without an NHS number must not be equated by comparison on a hash
  of the (NULL) NHS number.

- For anonymisation, this is handled in these functions:

  .. code-block:: none

    crate_anon/anonymise/ / process_table()
    -> crate_anon/anonymise/ / Config.encrypt_master_pid()
    -> crate_anon/anonymise/ / Patient.get_rid
        ... via PatientInfo.rid
        ... to Config.encrypt_primary_pid()

import hashlib
import hmac
import sys
from typing import Any, Callable, Tuple, Union

from sqlalchemy.sql.sqltypes import String, TypeEngine

    # noinspection PyPackageRequirements
    import mmh3
except ImportError:
    mmh3 = None

# try:
#     import xxhash
#     pyhashxx = None
# except ImportError:
#     xxhash = None
#     import pyhashxx

IS_64_BIT = sys.maxsize > 2**32
TIMING_HASH = "hash"

# =============================================================================
# Base classes
# =============================================================================

[docs]class GenericHasher(object): """ Abstract base class for a hasher. """
[docs] def hash(self, raw: Any) -> str: """ Returns a hash of its input. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def output_length(self) -> int: """ Returns the length of the hashes produced by this hasher. """ return len(self.hash("dummytext"))
[docs] def sqla_column_type(self) -> TypeEngine: """ Returns a SQLAlchemy :class:`Column` type instance, specifically ``String(length=self.output_length())``. """ return String(length=self.output_length())
# ============================================================================= # Simple salted hashers. # =============================================================================
[docs]class GenericSaltedHasher(GenericHasher): """ Generic representation of a simple salted hasher that stores a hash function and a salt. Note that these are vulnerable to attack: if an attacker knows a ``(message, digest)`` pair, it may be able to calculate another. See and **You should use HMAC instead if the thing you are hashing is secret.** """ def __init__(self, hashfunc: Callable[[bytes], Any], salt: str) -> None: """ Args: hashfunc: hash function to use salt: salt to use (following UTF-8 encoding) """ self.hashfunc = hashfunc self.salt_bytes = salt.encode("utf-8")
[docs] def hash(self, raw: Any) -> str: raw_bytes = str(raw).encode("utf-8") return self.hashfunc(self.salt_bytes + raw_bytes).hexdigest()
[docs]class MD5Hasher(GenericSaltedHasher): """ Salted hasher based on MD5. MD5 is cryptographically FLAWED; avoid using it or this class. """ def __init__(self, salt: str) -> None: super().__init__(hashlib.md5, salt)
[docs]class SHA256Hasher(GenericSaltedHasher): """ Salted hasher based on SHA256. """ def __init__(self, salt: str) -> None: super().__init__(hashlib.sha256, salt)
[docs]class SHA512Hasher(GenericSaltedHasher): """ Salted hasher based on SHA512. """ def __init__(self, salt: str) -> None: super().__init__(hashlib.sha512, salt)
# ============================================================================= # HMAC hashers. Better, if what you are hashing is secret. # =============================================================================
[docs]class GenericHmacHasher(GenericHasher): """ Generic representation of a hasher that hashes things via an HMAC (a hash-based message authentication code). See HMAC hashers are the thing to use if what you are hashing is secret. """ def __init__(self, digestmod: Any, key: str) -> None: """ Args: digestmod: see :func:`hmac.HMAC.__init__` key: cryptographic key to use """ self.key_bytes = str(key).encode("utf-8") self.digestmod = digestmod
[docs] def hash(self, raw: Any) -> str: """ Returns the hex digest of a HMAC-encoded version of the input. """ raw_bytes = str(raw).encode("utf-8") hmac_obj = key=self.key_bytes, msg=raw_bytes, digestmod=self.digestmod ) return hmac_obj.hexdigest()
[docs]class HmacMD5Hasher(GenericHmacHasher): """ HMAC hasher based on MD5. (Even though MD5 is insecure, HMAC-MD5 is better. See Bellare M, Canetti R, Krawcyk H. Keying hash functions for message authentication. Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. Adv. Cryptol. - Crypto 96 Proc. 1996; 1109: 1–15.) """ def __init__(self, key: str) -> None: super().__init__(hashlib.md5, key)
[docs]class HmacSHA256Hasher(GenericHmacHasher): """ HMAC hasher based on SHA256. """ def __init__(self, key: str) -> None: super().__init__(hashlib.sha256, key)
[docs]class HmacSHA512Hasher(GenericHmacHasher): """ HMAC hasher based on SHA512. """ def __init__(self, key: str) -> None: super().__init__(hashlib.sha512, key)
# ============================================================================= # Hash factory # ============================================================================= class HashMethods(object): MD5 = "MD5" SHA256 = "SHA256" SHA512 = "SHA512" HMAC_MD5 = "HMAC_MD5" HMAC_SHA256 = "HMAC_SHA256" HMAC_SHA512 = "HMAC_SHA512" def make_hasher(hash_method: str, key: str) -> GenericHasher: hash_method = hash_method.upper() if hash_method in ( HashMethods.MD5, HashMethods.SHA256, HashMethods.SHA512, ): raise ValueError( f"Non-HMAC hashers are deprecated for security reasons. You are " f"trying to use: {hash_method}" ) if hash_method == HashMethods.HMAC_MD5: return HmacMD5Hasher(key) elif hash_method == HashMethods.HMAC_SHA256 or not hash_method: return HmacSHA256Hasher(key) elif hash_method == HashMethods.HMAC_SHA512: return HmacSHA512Hasher(key) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown value for hash_method: {hash_method}") def get_longest_supported_hasher_output_length() -> int: dummyhash = make_hasher(HashMethods.HMAC_SHA512, "dummysalt") return dummyhash.output_length() # ============================================================================= # Testing functions/notes relating to hashing # ============================================================================= _ = """ import hashlib from six.moves import range class MD5Hasher(object): def __init__(self, salt): self.salt = salt def hash(self, raw): raw = str(raw) return hashlib.md5(self.salt + raw).hexdigest() MAX_PID_STR = "9" * 10 # e.g. NHS numbers are 10-digit MAX_PID_NUM = int(MAX_PID_STR) # sets are MUCH, MUCH faster than lists for "have-I-seen-it" tests hasher = MD5Hasher("dummysalt") used_hashes = set() for i in range(MAX_PID_NUM): if i % 1000000 == 0: print("... " + str(i)) x = hasher.hash(i) if x in used_hashes: raise Exception("Collision! i={}".format(i)) used_hashes.add(x) # This gets increasingly slow but is certainly fine up to # 282,000,000 # and we want to test # 9,999,999,999 # Anyway, other people have done the work: # # ... and the value is expected to be at least 2^64, whereas an NHS number # is less than 2^34 -- from math.log(9999999, 2). """ # ============================================================================= # Support functions # =============================================================================
[docs]def to_bytes(data: Any) -> bytearray: """ Convert anything to a ``bytearray``. See - - """ # noqa: E501 if isinstance(data, int): return bytearray([data]) return bytearray(data, encoding="latin-1")
[docs]def to_str(data: Any) -> str: """ Convert anything to a ``str``. """ return str(data)
[docs]def twos_comp_to_signed(val: int, n_bits: int) -> int: """ Convert a "two's complement" representation (as an integer) to its signed version. Args: val: positive integer representing a number in two's complement format n_bits: number of bits (which must reflect a whole number of bytes) Returns: signed integer See """ assert n_bits % 8 == 0, "Must specify a whole number of bytes" n_bytes = n_bits // 8 b = val.to_bytes(n_bytes, byteorder=sys.byteorder, signed=False) return int.from_bytes(b, byteorder=sys.byteorder, signed=True)
[docs]def signed_to_twos_comp(val: int, n_bits: int) -> int: """ Convert a signed integer to its "two's complement" representation. Args: val: signed integer n_bits: number of bits (which must reflect a whole number of bytes) Returns: unsigned integer: two's complement version """ assert n_bits % 8 == 0, "Must specify a whole number of bytes" n_bytes = n_bits // 8 b = val.to_bytes(n_bytes, byteorder=sys.byteorder, signed=True) return int.from_bytes(b, byteorder=sys.byteorder, signed=False)
[docs]def bytes_to_long(bytesdata: bytes) -> int: """ Converts an 8-byte sequence to a long integer. Args: bytesdata: 8 consecutive bytes, as a ``bytes`` object, in little-endian format (least significant byte [LSB] first) Returns: integer """ assert len(bytesdata) == 8 return sum((b << (k * 8) for k, b in enumerate(bytesdata)))
# ============================================================================= # Pure Python implementations of MurmurHash3 # ============================================================================= # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # SO ones # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def murmur3_x86_32(data: Union[bytes, bytearray], seed: int = 0) -> int: """ Pure 32-bit Python implementation of MurmurHash3; see Args: data: data to hash seed: seed Returns: integer hash """ c1 = 0xCC9E2D51 c2 = 0x1B873593 length = len(data) h1 = seed rounded_end = length & 0xFFFFFFFC # round down to 4 byte block for i in range(0, rounded_end, 4): # little endian load order # RNC: removed ord() calls k1 = ( (data[i] & 0xFF) | ((data[i + 1] & 0xFF) << 8) | ((data[i + 2] & 0xFF) << 16) | (data[i + 3] << 24) ) k1 *= c1 k1 = (k1 << 15) | ((k1 & 0xFFFFFFFF) >> 17) # ROTL32(k1, 15) k1 *= c2 h1 ^= k1 h1 = (h1 << 13) | ((h1 & 0xFFFFFFFF) >> 19) # ROTL32(h1, 13) h1 = h1 * 5 + 0xE6546B64 # tail k1 = 0 val = length & 0x03 if val == 3: k1 = (data[rounded_end + 2] & 0xFF) << 16 # fallthrough if val in (2, 3): k1 |= (data[rounded_end + 1] & 0xFF) << 8 # fallthrough if val in (1, 2, 3): k1 |= data[rounded_end] & 0xFF k1 *= c1 k1 = (k1 << 15) | ((k1 & 0xFFFFFFFF) >> 17) # ROTL32(k1, 15) k1 *= c2 h1 ^= k1 # finalization h1 ^= length # fmix(h1) h1 ^= (h1 & 0xFFFFFFFF) >> 16 h1 *= 0x85EBCA6B h1 ^= (h1 & 0xFFFFFFFF) >> 13 h1 *= 0xC2B2AE35 h1 ^= (h1 & 0xFFFFFFFF) >> 16 return h1 & 0xFFFFFFFF
# noinspection PyPep8
[docs]def murmur3_64(data: Union[bytes, bytearray], seed: int = 19820125) -> int: """ Pure 64-bit Python implementation of MurmurHash3; see (plus RNC bugfixes). Args: data: data to hash seed: seed Returns: integer hash """ m = 0xC6A4A7935BD1E995 r = 47 mask = 2**64 - 1 length = len(data) h = seed ^ ((m * length) & mask) offset = (length // 8) * 8 # RNC: was /, but for Python 3 that gives float; brackets added for clarity for ll in range(0, offset, 8): k = bytes_to_long(data[ll : ll + 8]) k = (k * m) & mask k ^= (k >> r) & mask k = (k * m) & mask h = h ^ k h = (h * m) & mask # Variable was named "l"; renamed to "l_" for PEP8 l_ = length & 7 if l_ >= 7: h = h ^ (data[offset + 6] << 48) if l_ >= 6: h = h ^ (data[offset + 5] << 40) if l_ >= 5: h = h ^ (data[offset + 4] << 32) if l_ >= 4: h = h ^ (data[offset + 3] << 24) if l_ >= 3: h = h ^ (data[offset + 2] << 16) if l_ >= 2: h = h ^ (data[offset + 1] << 8) if l_ >= 1: h = h ^ data[offset] h = (h * m) & mask h ^= (h >> r) & mask h = (h * m) & mask h ^= (h >> r) & mask return h
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # pymmh3 ones, renamed, with some bugfixes # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def pymmh3_hash128_x64(key: Union[bytes, bytearray], seed: int) -> int: """ Implements 128-bit murmur3 hash for x64, as per ``pymmh3``, with some bugfixes. Args: key: data to hash seed: seed Returns: integer hash """ def fmix(k): k ^= k >> 33 k = (k * 0xFF51AFD7ED558CCD) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF k ^= k >> 33 k = (k * 0xC4CEB9FE1A85EC53) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF k ^= k >> 33 return k length = len(key) nblocks = int(length / 16) h1 = seed h2 = seed c1 = 0x87C37B91114253D5 c2 = 0x4CF5AD432745937F # body for block_start in range(0, nblocks * 8, 8): # ??? big endian? k1 = ( key[2 * block_start + 7] << 56 | key[2 * block_start + 6] << 48 | key[2 * block_start + 5] << 40 | key[2 * block_start + 4] << 32 | key[2 * block_start + 3] << 24 | key[2 * block_start + 2] << 16 | key[2 * block_start + 1] << 8 | key[2 * block_start + 0] ) k2 = ( key[2 * block_start + 15] << 56 | key[2 * block_start + 14] << 48 | key[2 * block_start + 13] << 40 | key[2 * block_start + 12] << 32 | key[2 * block_start + 11] << 24 | key[2 * block_start + 10] << 16 | key[2 * block_start + 9] << 8 | key[2 * block_start + 8] ) k1 = (c1 * k1) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF k1 = (k1 << 31 | k1 >> 33) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF # inlined ROTL64 k1 = (c2 * k1) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF h1 ^= k1 h1 = (h1 << 27 | h1 >> 37) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF # inlined ROTL64 h1 = (h1 + h2) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF h1 = (h1 * 5 + 0x52DCE729) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF k2 = (c2 * k2) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF k2 = (k2 << 33 | k2 >> 31) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF # inlined ROTL64 k2 = (c1 * k2) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF h2 ^= k2 h2 = (h2 << 31 | h2 >> 33) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF # inlined ROTL64 h2 = (h1 + h2) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF h2 = (h2 * 5 + 0x38495AB5) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF # tail tail_index = nblocks * 16 k1 = 0 k2 = 0 tail_size = length & 15 if tail_size >= 15: k2 ^= key[tail_index + 14] << 48 if tail_size >= 14: k2 ^= key[tail_index + 13] << 40 if tail_size >= 13: k2 ^= key[tail_index + 12] << 32 if tail_size >= 12: k2 ^= key[tail_index + 11] << 24 if tail_size >= 11: k2 ^= key[tail_index + 10] << 16 if tail_size >= 10: k2 ^= key[tail_index + 9] << 8 if tail_size >= 9: k2 ^= key[tail_index + 8] if tail_size > 8: k2 = (k2 * c2) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF k2 = (k2 << 33 | k2 >> 31) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF # inlined ROTL64 k2 = (k2 * c1) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF h2 ^= k2 if tail_size >= 8: k1 ^= key[tail_index + 7] << 56 if tail_size >= 7: k1 ^= key[tail_index + 6] << 48 if tail_size >= 6: k1 ^= key[tail_index + 5] << 40 if tail_size >= 5: k1 ^= key[tail_index + 4] << 32 if tail_size >= 4: k1 ^= key[tail_index + 3] << 24 if tail_size >= 3: k1 ^= key[tail_index + 2] << 16 if tail_size >= 2: k1 ^= key[tail_index + 1] << 8 if tail_size >= 1: k1 ^= key[tail_index + 0] if tail_size > 0: k1 = (k1 * c1) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF k1 = (k1 << 31 | k1 >> 33) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF # inlined ROTL64 k1 = (k1 * c2) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF h1 ^= k1 # finalization h1 ^= length h2 ^= length h1 = (h1 + h2) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF h2 = (h1 + h2) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF h1 = fmix(h1) h2 = fmix(h2) h1 = (h1 + h2) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF h2 = (h1 + h2) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF return h2 << 64 | h1
[docs]def pymmh3_hash128_x86(key: Union[bytes, bytearray], seed: int) -> int: """ Implements 128-bit murmur3 hash for x86, as per ``pymmh3``, with some bugfixes. Args: key: data to hash seed: seed Returns: integer hash """ def fmix(h): h ^= h >> 16 h = (h * 0x85EBCA6B) & 0xFFFFFFFF h ^= h >> 13 h = (h * 0xC2B2AE35) & 0xFFFFFFFF h ^= h >> 16 return h length = len(key) nblocks = int(length / 16) h1 = seed h2 = seed h3 = seed h4 = seed c1 = 0x239B961B c2 = 0xAB0E9789 c3 = 0x38B34AE5 c4 = 0xA1E38B93 # body for block_start in range(0, nblocks * 16, 16): k1 = ( key[block_start + 3] << 24 | key[block_start + 2] << 16 | key[block_start + 1] << 8 | key[block_start + 0] ) k2 = ( key[block_start + 7] << 24 | key[block_start + 6] << 16 | key[block_start + 5] << 8 | key[block_start + 4] ) k3 = ( key[block_start + 11] << 24 | key[block_start + 10] << 16 | key[block_start + 9] << 8 | key[block_start + 8] ) k4 = ( key[block_start + 15] << 24 | key[block_start + 14] << 16 | key[block_start + 13] << 8 | key[block_start + 12] ) k1 = (c1 * k1) & 0xFFFFFFFF k1 = (k1 << 15 | k1 >> 17) & 0xFFFFFFFF # inlined ROTL32 k1 = (c2 * k1) & 0xFFFFFFFF h1 ^= k1 h1 = (h1 << 19 | h1 >> 13) & 0xFFFFFFFF # inlined ROTL32 h1 = (h1 + h2) & 0xFFFFFFFF h1 = (h1 * 5 + 0x561CCD1B) & 0xFFFFFFFF k2 = (c2 * k2) & 0xFFFFFFFF k2 = (k2 << 16 | k2 >> 16) & 0xFFFFFFFF # inlined ROTL32 k2 = (c3 * k2) & 0xFFFFFFFF h2 ^= k2 h2 = (h2 << 17 | h2 >> 15) & 0xFFFFFFFF # inlined ROTL32 h2 = (h2 + h3) & 0xFFFFFFFF h2 = (h2 * 5 + 0x0BCAA747) & 0xFFFFFFFF k3 = (c3 * k3) & 0xFFFFFFFF k3 = (k3 << 17 | k3 >> 15) & 0xFFFFFFFF # inlined ROTL32 k3 = (c4 * k3) & 0xFFFFFFFF h3 ^= k3 h3 = (h3 << 15 | h3 >> 17) & 0xFFFFFFFF # inlined ROTL32 h3 = (h3 + h4) & 0xFFFFFFFF h3 = (h3 * 5 + 0x96CD1C35) & 0xFFFFFFFF k4 = (c4 * k4) & 0xFFFFFFFF k4 = (k4 << 18 | k4 >> 14) & 0xFFFFFFFF # inlined ROTL32 k4 = (c1 * k4) & 0xFFFFFFFF h4 ^= k4 h4 = (h4 << 13 | h4 >> 19) & 0xFFFFFFFF # inlined ROTL32 h4 = (h1 + h4) & 0xFFFFFFFF h4 = (h4 * 5 + 0x32AC3B17) & 0xFFFFFFFF # tail tail_index = nblocks * 16 k1 = 0 k2 = 0 k3 = 0 k4 = 0 tail_size = length & 15 if tail_size >= 15: k4 ^= key[tail_index + 14] << 16 if tail_size >= 14: k4 ^= key[tail_index + 13] << 8 if tail_size >= 13: k4 ^= key[tail_index + 12] if tail_size > 12: k4 = (k4 * c4) & 0xFFFFFFFF k4 = (k4 << 18 | k4 >> 14) & 0xFFFFFFFF # inlined ROTL32 k4 = (k4 * c1) & 0xFFFFFFFF h4 ^= k4 if tail_size >= 12: k3 ^= key[tail_index + 11] << 24 if tail_size >= 11: k3 ^= key[tail_index + 10] << 16 if tail_size >= 10: k3 ^= key[tail_index + 9] << 8 if tail_size >= 9: k3 ^= key[tail_index + 8] if tail_size > 8: k3 = (k3 * c3) & 0xFFFFFFFF k3 = (k3 << 17 | k3 >> 15) & 0xFFFFFFFF # inlined ROTL32 k3 = (k3 * c4) & 0xFFFFFFFF h3 ^= k3 if tail_size >= 8: k2 ^= key[tail_index + 7] << 24 if tail_size >= 7: k2 ^= key[tail_index + 6] << 16 if tail_size >= 6: k2 ^= key[tail_index + 5] << 8 if tail_size >= 5: k2 ^= key[tail_index + 4] if tail_size > 4: k2 = (k2 * c2) & 0xFFFFFFFF k2 = (k2 << 16 | k2 >> 16) & 0xFFFFFFFF # inlined ROTL32 k2 = (k2 * c3) & 0xFFFFFFFF h2 ^= k2 if tail_size >= 4: k1 ^= key[tail_index + 3] << 24 if tail_size >= 3: k1 ^= key[tail_index + 2] << 16 if tail_size >= 2: k1 ^= key[tail_index + 1] << 8 if tail_size >= 1: k1 ^= key[tail_index + 0] if tail_size > 0: k1 = (k1 * c1) & 0xFFFFFFFF k1 = (k1 << 15 | k1 >> 17) & 0xFFFFFFFF # inlined ROTL32 k1 = (k1 * c2) & 0xFFFFFFFF h1 ^= k1 # finalization h1 ^= length h2 ^= length h3 ^= length h4 ^= length h1 = (h1 + h2) & 0xFFFFFFFF h1 = (h1 + h3) & 0xFFFFFFFF h1 = (h1 + h4) & 0xFFFFFFFF h2 = (h1 + h2) & 0xFFFFFFFF h3 = (h1 + h3) & 0xFFFFFFFF h4 = (h1 + h4) & 0xFFFFFFFF h1 = fmix(h1) h2 = fmix(h2) h3 = fmix(h3) h4 = fmix(h4) h1 = (h1 + h2) & 0xFFFFFFFF h1 = (h1 + h3) & 0xFFFFFFFF h1 = (h1 + h4) & 0xFFFFFFFF h2 = (h1 + h2) & 0xFFFFFFFF h3 = (h1 + h3) & 0xFFFFFFFF h4 = (h1 + h4) & 0xFFFFFFFF return h4 << 96 | h3 << 64 | h2 << 32 | h1
[docs]def pymmh3_hash128( key: Union[bytes, bytearray], seed: int = 0, x64arch: bool = True ) -> int: """ Implements 128bit murmur3 hash, as per ``pymmh3``. Args: key: data to hash seed: seed x64arch: is a 64-bit architecture available? Returns: integer hash """ if x64arch: return pymmh3_hash128_x64(key, seed) else: return pymmh3_hash128_x86(key, seed)
[docs]def pymmh3_hash64( key: Union[bytes, bytearray], seed: int = 0, x64arch: bool = True ) -> Tuple[int, int]: """ Implements 64bit murmur3 hash, as per ``pymmh3``. Returns a tuple. Args: key: data to hash seed: seed x64arch: is a 64-bit architecture available? Returns: tuple: tuple of integers, ``(signed_val1, signed_val2)`` """ hash_128 = pymmh3_hash128(key, seed, x64arch) unsigned_val1 = hash_128 & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF # low half if unsigned_val1 & 0x8000000000000000 == 0: signed_val1 = unsigned_val1 else: signed_val1 = -((unsigned_val1 ^ 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) + 1) unsigned_val2 = (hash_128 >> 64) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF # high half if unsigned_val2 & 0x8000000000000000 == 0: signed_val2 = unsigned_val2 else: signed_val2 = -((unsigned_val2 ^ 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) + 1) return signed_val1, signed_val2
# ============================================================================= # Checks # =============================================================================
[docs]def compare_python_to_reference_murmur3_32(data: Any, seed: int = 0) -> None: """ Checks the pure Python implementation of 32-bit murmur3 against the ``mmh3`` C-based module. Args: data: data to hash seed: seed Raises: AssertionError: if the two calculations don't match """ assert mmh3, "Need mmh3 module" c_data = to_str(data) # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences c_signed = mmh3.hash(c_data, seed=seed) # 32 bit py_data = to_bytes(c_data) py_unsigned = murmur3_x86_32(py_data, seed=seed) py_signed = twos_comp_to_signed(py_unsigned, n_bits=32) preamble = f"Hashing {data!r} with MurmurHash3/32-bit/seed={seed}" if c_signed == py_signed: print(preamble + f" -> {c_signed}: OK") else: raise AssertionError( preamble + f"; mmh3 says {c_data!r} -> {c_signed}, " f"Python version says {py_data!r} -> {py_unsigned} = {py_signed}" )
[docs]def compare_python_to_reference_murmur3_64(data: Any, seed: int = 0) -> None: """ Checks the pure Python implementation of 64-bit murmur3 against the ``mmh3`` C-based module. Args: data: data to hash seed: seed Raises: AssertionError: if the two calculations don't match """ assert mmh3, "Need mmh3 module" c_data = to_str(data) # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences c_signed_low, c_signed_high = mmh3.hash64( c_data, seed=seed, x64arch=IS_64_BIT ) py_data = to_bytes(c_data) py_signed_low, py_signed_high = pymmh3_hash64(py_data, seed=seed) preamble = ( f"Hashing {data!r} with MurmurHash3/64-bit values from 128-bit " f"hash/seed={seed}" ) if c_signed_low == py_signed_low and c_signed_high == py_signed_high: print(preamble + f" -> (low={c_signed_low}, high={c_signed_high}): OK") else: raise AssertionError( preamble + f"; mmh3 says {c_data!r} -> " f"(low={c_signed_low}, high={c_signed_high}), " f"Python version says {py_data!r} -> " f"(low={py_signed_low}, high={py_signed_high})" )
# ============================================================================= # Hashing in a NON-CRYPTOGRAPHIC, PREDICTABLE, and fast way # =============================================================================
[docs]def hash32(data: Any, seed: int = 0) -> int: """ Non-cryptographic, deterministic, fast hash. Args: data: data to hash seed: seed Returns: signed 32-bit integer """ c_data = to_str(data) if mmh3: # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences return mmh3.hash(c_data, seed=seed) py_data = to_bytes(c_data) py_unsigned = murmur3_x86_32(py_data, seed=seed) return twos_comp_to_signed(py_unsigned, n_bits=32)
[docs]def hash64(data: Any, seed: int = 0) -> int: """ Non-cryptographic, deterministic, fast hash. Args: data: data to hash seed: seed Returns: signed 64-bit integer """ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # MurmurHash3 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- c_data = to_str(data) if mmh3: # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences c_signed_low, _ = mmh3.hash64(data, seed=seed, x64arch=IS_64_BIT) return c_signed_low py_data = to_bytes(c_data) py_signed_low, _ = pymmh3_hash64(py_data, seed=seed) return py_signed_low
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # xxHash # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # if xxhash: # hasher = xxhash.xxh64(seed=0) # hasher.update(data) # return hasher.intdigest() # else: # hasher = pyhashxx.Hashxx(seed=0) # # then do some update, but it doesn't like plain strings... # return hasher.digest() # ============================================================================= # Testing # =============================================================================
[docs]def main() -> None: """ Command-line validation checks. """ _ = """ print(twos_comp_to_signed(0, n_bits=32)) # 0 print(twos_comp_to_signed(2 ** 31 - 1, n_bits=32)) # 2147483647 print(twos_comp_to_signed(2 ** 31, n_bits=32)) # -2147483648 == -(2 ** 31) print(twos_comp_to_signed(2 ** 32 - 1, n_bits=32)) # -1 print(signed_to_twos_comp(-1, n_bits=32)) # 4294967295 = 2 ** 32 - 1 print(signed_to_twos_comp(-(2 ** 31), n_bits=32)) # 2147483648 = 2 ** 31 - 1 """ # noqa: E501 testdata = ["hello", 1, ["bongos", "today"]] for data in testdata: compare_python_to_reference_murmur3_32(data, seed=0) compare_python_to_reference_murmur3_64(data, seed=0) print("All OK")
if __name__ == "__main__": main()